Frankenstein vs The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Charles Nodier; Victor Hugo

Frankenstein vs The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Charles Nodier; Victor Hugo

Author:Charles Nodier; Victor Hugo [Hugo, Charles Nodier; Victor]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Black Coat Press
Published: 2012-11-25T00:00:00+00:00

(At a sign from Clopin, two men bring a dummy hung with little bells and big bells, which they hang from the scaffold.)

CLOPIN TROUILLEFOU (pointing to a stool): Climb up there.

GRINGOIRE (after having tried): The Devil! I’m going to break my neck. Your stool limps like bad verse. There’s no way for a poet to cling to it.

CLOPIN TROUILLEFOU: Will you get up there!

(Gringoire manages to get up on the stool.)

CLOPIN TROUILLEFOU: Now place your right foot over your left leg and stand on tiptoe.

GRINGOIRE (trying and staggering at each attempt, in the midst of laugher): Do you absolutely insist that I break a leg, Sire?

CLOPIN TROUILLEFOU: Listen, friend you talk too much. Here’s what you have to do in short. You’re going to stand on tiptoe as I told you, in such a way as to be able to reach the pocket of that dummy. You will search it, you’ll pull out a purse that’s there, and if you do all this without causing any bells to ring, that’s fine, you will be one of us.

GRINGOIRE: But if I make the bells ring?

CLOPIN TROUILLEFOU: You will take the place of the dummy. Come on, hurry up!

GRINGOIRE (extending his hand, then stopping): And if a little wind comes up?

CLOPIN TROUILLEFOU: You will be hanged too.

GRINGOIRE: Oh, to think my life depends on the least of these bells. Oh bells, please don’t ring. Clappers, please don’t clap. Don’t ring, don’t tinkle, little bells...


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